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Article 1. Name

This society shall be known as the Japan Society for Afrasian Studies (JSAS).


Article 2. Purpose

The major purpose of JSAS is to promote Afrasian (Afro-Asian) studies, inter alia, the study of Afro-Asian relations as well as African and Asian area studies and development studies, empower young scholars and disseminate multiple research outcomes, thereby contributing to the global, African, Asian and Japanese academic communities.


Article 3. Activities

To accomplish this purpose, JSAS shall engage in the following activities:
1) plan and implement research projects in Afrasian studies,

2) organize annual conferences, academic seminars and other events,

3) publish books, journals, newsletters and various articles making the best use of its


4) collaborate with other academic organizations inside and outside Japan, and

5) engage in other activities considered appropriate in light of the purpose underlined in

    article 2 above.

Article 4. Eligibility

Any scholar or graduate student who endorses the purpose of JSAS and is willing to join its activities and pay the prescribed membership fee may be a member.


Article 5. Application

Any person who wants to become a member of JSAS should fill in a prescribed form and submit the application to obtain the approval of the Board of Directors.


Article 6. Membership Fee

A member should pay a prescribed membership fee. A member who fails to pay the fee for more than three years may be disqualified from membership.


Article 7. Withdrawal and Suspension

A member who intends to withdraw is required to submit a notice of withdrawal. The Board of Directors may suspend or terminate the membership of those who act with malice or harm the interests of JSAS.


Article 8. General Assembly and Voting

The President shall convene the General Assembly of all members as part of the annual conference. Decisions at the General Assembly require the approval of a simple majority of the members attending the General Assembly. Amendments to the Constitution require the approval of two-thirds of the members attending the General Assembly.


Article 9. Directors, Auditors, and Heads of Regional Offices

JSAS shall have a Board of Directors consisting of 8 – 15 individuals, as well as up to 2 Auditors. The Directors and Auditors shall be elected from among the members of JSAS at the General Assembly, and they shall, in principle, serve the same term as the President (see article 10), although they shall be eligible for re-election as many times as necessary. Heads of Regional Offices shall be appointed by the President from among the members of JSAS, and approved by the Board Members as and when necessary. They will assist the President and the Board of Directors to take care of the specific needs of their respective regions.


Article 10. President and Vice Presidents

The President shall be elected from among the Directors. The President shall represent JSAS and preside over the society’s affairs. The term of the President shall be 2 years, and the President is eligible for reelection only once. The President may appoint up to 2 Vice Presidents. They too shall serve the same term (s) as the appointing president.


Article 11. Special Advisors

The Special Advisors shall be appointed at the General Assembly upon the deliberation of the Board of Directors. The Special Advisors may or may not be members of JSAS.


Article 12. Secretariat

The President shall appoint an Executive Secretary from among the Directors. The Executive Secretary shall assist the President and Vice Presidents to transact the daily affairs of JSAS. The Executive Secretary may appoint several Secretariat members from among the members.


Article 13. Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of JSAS shall begin on the first of April and end on the 31st of March of the following year.


Article 14. Assets and Finance

Assets necessary to undertake the activities of JSAS are based on the income from membership fees and research funds raised by members. Assets are supervised by the Treasurer.  Bank accounts shall be kept, and in the name of JSAS as far as banking regulations allow, and they shall be maintained by the Treasurer.


Article 15. Budget and Account Settlement

The budget and account settlement of JSAS shall be approved at the General Assembly after discussion at the Board of Directors. The settlement of accounts shall be audited by the Auditors.


The above constitution was unanimously adopted at the general meeting on October 6, 2018.

© 2019 Japan Society for Afrasian Studies

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