Japan Society for Afrasian Studies (JSAS)
2023 International Conference
Aichi Gakuin University
October 7th, 2023
Redefining Development: Examining alternative approaches in Africa and Asia.
We are pleased to announce that the fifth international conference of the Japan Society for Afrasian Studies (JSAS 2023) will be held at the Meijo Campus of Aichi Gakuin University in Nagoya (Aichi) on October 7th this year. We are inviting researchers, practitioners, and students, to send original research abstracts.
About JSAS
JSAS is a multi-disciplinary research platform of African studies in Japan/Asia and, potentially, of Japanese/Asian studies in Africa. Our focus is the creation of intercultural and intergenerational links to facilitate dialogue among participants on issues affecting Africa and Asia.
The proposed theme for JSAS 2023 is Redefining Development: Examining alternative approaches in Africa and Asia.
Asian and African countries have for centuries partnered with the colonial West. What have been the results? New partnerships have lately been developing, for example between Asian powers China, India, Japan, Korea, and their less developed partners in Africa and Asia. This year’s theme suggests the need to analyze the traditional approaches to development in these regions, and to explore and consider both the recent trends and other alternative approaches to development that may better address the unique needs and challenges faced by communities in Africa and Asia.
With the theme of “Redefining Development in Africa and Asia,” therefore, we encourage topics and abstracts based on a wide range of academic research including, among others,
- History and development
- Local and regional economic development
- Politics and economic development
- Development studies
- Anthropology
- Sociology and socio-economic development
- Sustainable development
- Development, human security and people’s wellbeing
- National and community-based development
- Participatory development
- Natural Sciences and development
- Local cultures and development
- Literature and development
Graduate Students and Early Career Researchers Mentorship Session
There will also be a special parallel session to accommodate graduate students and other early career researchers interested in various topics in Africa and Asia. It will be a chance to showcase their research, present preliminary findings or results, and engage in academic exchange with colleagues and invited specialists. This session aims to create a space for networking, connecting, and mentoring. Upcoming researchers can also obtain relevant feedback from more experienced colleagues in their areas of specialisation. This session also aims to promote access to information and resources, helping to sharpen research, writing, and publication skills. It is also aimed as guidance towards identifying relevant research topics and projects. We accept proposals from both qualitative and quantitative approaches on the sub-themes mentioned above. The categories of young researchers may include the following:
1. Doctoral students in Japan-based universities from all the countries, whose research topics are on Africa-related issues.
2. Doctoral students in Japan-based universities from African countries, whose research topics are on Japan and/or Asia-related issues.
3. Post-Doctoral researchers in Japan-based universities from all the countries, whose research topics are on Africa related issues.
4. Post-Doctoral researchers in Japan-based universities from African countries, whose research topics are on Japan and/or Asia related issues.
Application Guidelines, Important Dates, and Contacts.
Applicants can choose to apply to any of the three categories during the conference. Individual participants are welcome in thematic panel sessions (which the conference committee will determine after receiving abstracts). We also welcome those willing to organize roundtables and forums. The third category of applicants will be the Africa-Japan Graduate Students and Early Career Researchers Mentorship Session.
All applicants are requested to access a Google Form here (https://forms.gle/QLzPqitfcokFGSf19) and submit relevant information, including name, affiliation, title or topic of the research, 4-6 keywords, a 300-400-word abstract, and the type of application they are submitting. Prospective presenters will be shortlisted through a careful peer review of the abstracts by the organizing committee. Your application should reach the conference committee on or before July 20th, 2023. The shortlisted applicants will be informed by August 15th, 2023. Presenters will also be required to submit a short biography and extended abstract of approximately 1,000 words for commentators and the workshop chair by September 15th, 2023.
Please note that prospective presenters need to be members of JSAS. To become a member, visit the JSAS website https://www.afrasia.org/membership
Conference Program: The one-day conference will be held on October 7th (Saturday) 2023. In the morning, we will have a plenary session with two key note speeches followed by two round-table project presentations and discussions. The academic presentations will take place in the afternoon starting at 13:00. The conference program will be released by mid-September.
Hosts: Japan Society for Afrasian Studies (JSAS).
Co-Hosts: Aichi Gakuin University.
Venue: Aichi Gakuin University, Meijo Campus, https://www.agu.ac.jp/access/meijo/
ALICE TOWER (7th Floor)
Registration and other information:
Fees: The registration fees are as follows and payable either by the online ticket-selling app, Peatix (to be set up later), or onsite, at the reception desk.
Regular JSAS Members on site: 3,000 JPY
Regular JSAS Members online: 3,000 JPY
Non-members on site: 3,500 JPY
Non-members online: 2,000 JPY
All students (Members and non-members, on site or online: 0 JPY.
(Students will be requested to show student ID)
Organizing Committee:
1. Christian Otchia, Nagoya University
2. Vick L. Ssali, Aichi Gakuin University
3. Hedwig Rosznyoi, Aichi Gakuin University
Inquiries about the conference should be directed to: nagoyajsas2023@gmail.com
General inquiries about JSAS should be directed to: info@afrasia.org