JULY 3rd JSAS ONLINE CONFERENCE PROGRAMJSASJun 30, 2021<Theme> Beyond COVID-19: The Value of Human Capital in the New Afrasian ConnectivityZoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83874965026?pwd=T1lWOUtRV0pZZUlqTXg5MnlWbm1OUT09 The venue will open at 9:15 am Registration NOT requiredFINAL PROGRAM.pdfDownload PDF • 179KB
<Theme> Beyond COVID-19: The Value of Human Capital in the New Afrasian ConnectivityZoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83874965026?pwd=T1lWOUtRV0pZZUlqTXg5MnlWbm1OUT09 The venue will open at 9:15 am Registration NOT requiredFINAL PROGRAM.pdfDownload PDF • 179KB
Debunking the Distortion: Reclaiming the True Legacy of Prof. Ali MazruiEditor's note: Professor Ali Mazrui (1933–2014) was a renowned Kenyan-born academic, political scientist, and public intellectual known...